Organic practices seek to create plant health through the creation of healthy soil and healthy ecosystems.
There is no reliance on synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, nor a need for them.
Pests and disease are simply not a problem in a thriving ecosystem. Some of our methods are:
* Adding organic matter is the natural addition of slow release nutrients, which will help our plants look better, taste better and most importantly give us the most nutrition. Healthy plants will develop healthy root systems, which work together with the soil organisms to create optimum soil structure.
* Crop rotation and diversity planning. To ensure that soil nutrients don’t get depleted, different crops need to be planted every year. This will also prevent the build up of pests or diseases, as they will never have the chance to become established. Companion planting also needs to be considered, as some plants can support each other’s growth resulting in healthier, happier plants. This will create a diverse, robust root system that will only benefit the soil organisms!
* Using mulch has many benefits to the soil. It conserves water by reducing surface evaporation, the soil will stay cooler so that the plant roots and microbes won’t stress over heat, and it helps control weeds (to name a few). The mulch will eventually work its way into the soil, adding more organic matter and nutrients, thus improving the water holding capacity.
* Soil Cover with an abundance of plants. A diverse planting regime will result in a diverse microbial community in the soil. The life cycle of the microbes in the soil will begin to add organic matter (hummus) from their bodies as they reproduce and die.
It is no coincidence that our food tastes good.
To us, Organic isn't just a certification.
It is simply how we farm.